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Push Notifications are Here! Again!

Here to stay this time!

For the uninitiated, we shipped SuperPWA 1.5 featuring “OneSignal integration for Push notifications”.

However, we soon discovered that there were some compatibility issues, for many users the two plugins did not play nicely together.

It took a while, and we got side tracked a bit to work on other critical updates. Thanks to everyone who has been waiting since then.

This time, hopefully we got it right. We have spent days and weeks testing SuperPWA on every possible scenario.

We sent a beta release to a few beta testers and got their feedback.

It all checked out! SuperPWA and OneSignal can now work together and you can send push notifications to your users. Yayy!

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Read more : Setup OneSignal with SuperPWA WordPress Plugin

Note: Now we are providing compatibility with Multisites using OneSignal.

Lessons Learned

We learned two things.

After 1.5 was released, along with attempting to figure out OneSignal compatibility, we also worked on adding new features and enhancements.

One of the major enhancement was the forcing of https:// on all assets and dependencies solving the problem of http:// URLs in manifest and service worker once and for all. This was a common issue that caused trouble for quite a bunch of new users who used redirection plugins to redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS.

These enhancements were ready but we deferred the release because we still had to figure out OneSignal integration. This was a mistake and we learned to release smaller incremental releases instead of waiting for one big release. Release early, release often.

The second learning was to always beta test with real users before every major release. You can do a zillion tests in your development environment and still go wrong in the real world.

Interested in Beta testing for a future release? Please let us know and we will love you, forever!

New Add-On: Apple Touch Icons

Have you ever added your website to the home screen on an old iOS device and noticed that Apple uses a tiny screenshot of your website as the icon?

Well, lets put an end to that blasphemy!

Navigate to SuperPWA > Addons and activate the Apple Touch Icons add-on. The Application Icon and Splash Screen Icon that you have set in SuperPWA > Settings will now be used as Apple Touch Icons for compatibility with iOS devices.

Polyglot Central

SuperPWA was translation ready from day one. If you are interested in contributing, you can easily translate the plugin on

A .POT file is also generated and added to the /languages/ folder in this release if you prefer to translate elsewhere.

Thank you for your contributions. If you spot any errors or untranslated strings, please let us know and we will fix it right up.

New Filters

Some new filters are added in this release. The names are self explanatory and you can read more about them in the Codex (by clicking the link).

You can find the changelog here.

As always, your feedback and suggestions are welcome! We really appreciate all the love and patience.

Until next time.

1.8.1 Update – 05.June.2018

  • Enhancement: Added an admin notice with instructions for OneSignal integration.
  • Enhancement: Updated console log message for URLs excluded from cache for better clarity.
  • New Filter: superpwa_is_pwa_ready

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Martins says:

You guys are doing a great Job! Thank you for this plugin.

Arun Basil Lal says:

Thanks for the kind words Martins! Glad to hear that. Much appreciate you taking the time to give this awesome feedback.

prashaant kd says:

Thanks for a great job

Jose Varghese says:

Glad to hear that Prashaant and expecting your support!

Chosky Studios says:

This is an amazingly useful plugin. Thank you for all your hard work.

Jose Varghese says:

Thanks a lot for your kind words about our plugin.

Arin Nandi says:

thanks for this plugin

Samuel Achema says:

You guys deserve more than kind words, you’re doing amazing stuff.

Jose Varghese says:

Thanks a ton, very glad to hear that you liked our Super Progressive Web Apps plugin ?

Alasandro says:

I have been waiting on a plugin like this for over a year. Installed and working PERFECTLY on my site. Good job! Looking forward to the future. One question… Is it possible to extract a direct link to the Add to Home Screen option that appears in the popup? I’d like to make it available to my users outside of the pop-up notification.

Jose Varghese says:

Happy to hear that ?. Unfortunately, right now there’s no such option available to make A2HS as a link. We’re working on something similar, keep an eye on our changelog. ?

Sameh says:

Thank you so much !!
We are having a problem we activated the pluging it works perfectly on iphone but on the android when a user adds the website to the home screen it shows google chrome icon we tried other browsers but it still the same ??

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Sameh,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Caio Nardi says:

We need to send push notification to some users
Our WP shows a lot of events, this events happens in different cities and we want to notify only the users who are at the same city.
We also have a forum, and want to notify when someone interact at the user’s post.
Are these functionalities possible?
Thanks a lot

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Caio Nardi,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Amm says:

that super pwa is work with many subdomain seperatly on wordpress site ?????
please reply my question’s answer …

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Amm,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Richard Wing says:

Thanks for a great solution. Has push notifications in multisite environment been fixed?

Team SuperPWA says:

HI Richard Wing,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Sujo Thomas Varghese says:

Hi, first of all awesome plugin and easy to use and handle. Kudos for that. Want to ask you one thing. I would like to include a section on home page of my mobile browser with CTA, which lets users download the web app on users device.

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Sujo Thomas Varghese,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Hadee says:

Salam n Hola..

An excellent plugin, this is..

Any updates on integrating with OneSignal on Multisite?

InsyaAllah and Thank you.

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Hadee,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

chandresh says:

hi it is not working on iphone google browser pls advice

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi chandresh,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible

Vivek says:

Hi, I’m using SuperPWA on my site, and have set up OneSignal account and settings. I can see that from onesignal account i can send web push notifications to the users who have opted in.
However, i want to check, can the notifications generated on my site- i am using buddypress along with other plugins like ulike, mycred etc., which generate notifications which are displaued on the buddypress user profile. – can these notifiations also be notified thru onesignal + superPWA or is it only the marketing push notifications?

If yes, then how can i do that? thanks,

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Vivek,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Dača says:

I have installed the plugin, and it works really nice.
However, I wanted to translate “Add to Home Screen” but I can’t find that string in pot file.

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Daca,

We have the pot file inside the language folder and for more details will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Ben says:

Does push notification work in ios ? I am confused since i understood apple doesnt support it yet.

Jose Varghese says:

Hi Ben,

Unfortunately, iOS won’t support push notifications at this moment as it’s not supporting Push Notifications API.

Adriano Monecchi says:

Thanks for the great plugin!

I’m quite interested on changing the Service Worker JS Template through the filter `superpwa_sw_template`. There are a few functionalities I’d like to include such as pusher-js integration and my own web notifications layer… However, I’m not quite sure how to do that, as the superpwa_sw_template function also has some settings constants coming directly from the plugin. Could you guys provide a link to some example on how to override the Service Worker JS Template?

My intention is to keep track of SuperPWA js file on every update, while preserving the plugin’s default functions, I’d also like to enhance it along with mine.

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Adriano Monecchi,

You can create a custom plugin and add those functionality with the help of filters/action for more help, you can contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

Robbie says:


Is this integration still working I don’t see anywhere to add the JSON manifest in the configuration settings?

Arun Basil Lal says:

Hello Robbie, the integration still works without the configuration. The notice has been removed in 2.1 –

Eamon Morrish says:

Hi, Great plugin and excellent work guys, thanks.
a question – you need to manually add to home screen by clicking on the 3 dots ?
in the video it looks like it prompted you to “Add to Home Screen:” it does not do this for me ? Chrome on Android. regards Eamon

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Eamon Morrish,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible

Michael says:

does this have wonderpush support?

Team SuperPWA says:

Hi Michael,

Will you please contact our technical team from here- they will help you as soon as possible.

PJ says:

Hi guys, can i just check that you’ve actually got push notifications working on iOS devices here?
I this only when using wordpress or will this method work for any PWA build?


Team SuperPWA says:

Hi PJ,

Currently, our solution is only for WordPress for other methods you can do the same approach with custom code. Currently, as per the last update, ios doesn’t support web notifications.

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